Friday, November 18, 2005

thanks dan, in advance, for the sushi lunch ahead! =) i love talking to you and i'm touched that there are people who take an interest in my life.

thanks chels, you've been great company! i enjoy reading week when it involves getting to spend time with friends and watch daria and go running =)

daddy called me on wednesday to tell me that my driving license arrived in the mail! wow, that's breath-takingly fast. after all the frustration, crying, and phobia-developing, i'm glad that i exhibited the tenacity/mulish obstinacy it took to take the test 5 times. i'm quite glad i stuck with it, even when well-meaning friends, seeing how miserable and poor it made me, advised me to stop learning for a while. hoot! standby your phones, once my parents let me use the car i'm going to be calling you out for supper! (also, please bring a street directory or better still GPS if you have).

i've been rather happy. reading week is the best time of the year for me, always is. and staying in school gives me just the right balance of friends and time alone. I love just sitting in my room and being quiet.

kk, gotta go meet uncle!


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